Why Book a Private Fishing Guide in Destin?

If you’re heading to Destin, you shouldn’t miss out on the fishing opportunities the wonderful place offers! It’s more than just the wonderful beaches and historical appeal, there are various species you can catch in the sea, ranging from barracuda inshore to mahi-mahi offshore!

That’s why you can find a ton of fishing charters available to join or rent in Destin. When you plan on booking one, you’ll be faced with two major choices: Either join a charter or book a private fishing guide in Destin. A lot of people tend to lean towards the latter, even if it means slightly higher rates.

But why?

Read on to learn about booking a private fishing guide in Destin!


Why Book a Private Fishing Guide in Destin?

Before you even book a fishing charter or guide for the trip, you must first determine the type of fishing charter you want and need. All charter services are different and designed for specific fishing styles and targeted species.

One major factor to consider is whether you want to join a public charter or hire a private guide. As the name suggests, a public or shared fishing charter involves sharing with other anglers, not necessarily people you know. Unless you are a group of friends, you will likely be with strangers with the captain and crew.

That doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing! Shared fishing charters are less expensive and you still get a great time, though not much of the customized experience and attention from the captain you may have expected or preferred. So it’s basically being able to save some money but losing more control of the species you’d like to target, where the ship goes, or the techniques you can use and learn about.

And let’s not forget the fact that you’re sharing with strangers with different personalities and fishing preferences. Fortunately, you get to meet amazing fellow anglers during the charter, though there may be a few bad apples that can ruin a day. Worse so, you may have to wait your turn when fishing!

This is where private fishing charters come along. Private fishing charters mean that you have the entire boat, captain, crew, and trip all to yourself with your chosen family members or friends. The same goes for a private fishing guide in Destin, offering many benefits for both novice and seasoned anglers.

But how exactly does a private fishing guide in Destin benefit you? Here are a few benefits:

Private Fishing Guide in Destin 

Fishing Success

Are you a seasoned angler who’s targeting a specific species? Then you’ll have more success with a private fishing guide to reach your goals. Moreover, you’ll have more success in catching more fish.

Private guides would have smaller groups, or you can go solo with the guide. That means you have no competition at all with a maneuverable boat that can go to many different areas of your choice compared to the other larger boats public charters use.

Moreover, a private fishing guide in Destin will get to know you and your level of experience before the trip, tailoring the day to your wants and needs. Public fishing charters don’t offer that degree of flexibility.

Private Fishing Guide in Destin

More Attention

As mentioned, public charters don’t offer much degree of flexibility when it comes to the places you want to go to and the fish you’d like to catch. While you can discuss your wants with the fishing charter captain, he can only do so much as he has to accommodate other anglers as well. As a result, the charter captain would go to as many fishing hotspots as possible with the hopes everyone can catch fish, not necessarily catering to everyone’s requests.

With a private fishing guide in Destin, you get a higher degree of flexibility and personal attention. In public fishing charters, the captain and crew will most likely be too busy tending to everyone else, so you don’t get the complete services you may want and need. As such, you’ll need to wait your turn before fishing or learning a new technique, which can be a waste of time that you could have used to reel in a catch.

A private fishing guide in Destin won’t be like this. If you join a private charter, there will be only up to six people per boat, even less depending on your preference. You will be in closer proximity to the fishing guide so you can ask all the questions you need and learn the techniques you’re eyeing to improve on. You can even make conversation with the guide to learn more about fishing and what it’s like touring around Destin.

Private Fishing Guide in Destin 


Privacy is one of the biggest benefits you can reap when you hire a private fishing guide in Destin. You won’t need to deal with strangers bumping into you, having to wait your turn to use the fishing equipment, or not receive the help you need from the guide right away!

What’s great about a reputable private fishing guide in Destin is that they would most likely be local. You get great information about the fishing hotspots, hidden gems, unique techniques, and other tips related to Destin. The private fishing guide will know where to go, how to spot fish, and how to catch them, teaching you valuable lessons you can use on your next trip.


Wrapping It Up

If you plan to visit Florida, then deep-sea fishing must be a definite part of your bucket list! For those who want a more personalized trip, then you may want to consider booking a private fishing guide in Destin. From being able to target the fish you want down to having the guide’s complete attention, you can’t go wrong with spending a bit more on such services!

No private fishing guide in Destin booked yet? Contact us now and find out the services we offer to help you get the best fishing experience!

Private Fishing Guide in Destin
Private Fishing Guide in Destin

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Destin Florida Fishing Charters » Why Book a Private Fishing Guide in Destin?