Florida Redfish, scientifically named Sciaenops ocellatus or in short, a Red Drum is the most popular game fish in Florida native to the state. The fish is also referred to as ‘spot tail bass’, as it is a popular saltwater sport fish owing their name to their coppery bronze bodies. Their color shifts to a lighter shade on the belly, featuring dark, ocellated spots close to their tail base. The fish is prominent on the southeastern coast of the U.S. They are known for their tasty flesh, strength, and stunning beauty, making them a principal commodity for both commercial fisheries and recreational anglers. Here, in this blog, you will be provided with all the necessary information and tips about Florida Redfish fishing and the required tips for catching Florida Redfish.
Florida, with a total population of 2.26 crores (as per the recent estimates), is located in the southeastern region of the U.S. On one side, it is surrounded by the Atlantic, and by the Gulf of Mexico on the other having hundreds of miles of beaches. The city has a strong influence of the Latin-American culture and is famous for its prominent art scenes, and its nightlife in South Beach. Florida is also renowned for its ‘Walt Disney’ theme park epicenter of the world.
Necessary Information About The Florida Redfish
Florida redfish generally measure somewhere between 11 and 24 inches. Although, they can grow beyond the size of sixty inches and weigh over about thirty pounds. A world record for the largest redfish caught in Florida was set in the year, 1996 when a fish weighing fifty-two pounds and five ounces was captured close to Cocoa Beach in Florida. The redfish mostly habitats in the offshore and nearshore waters of the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. The fish, being a bottom feeder is also found in the grass flats, oyster bars, sandbars, shorelines, and tidal brooks. The peak spawning seasons for Florida Redfish are mainly in the months of August and September.

Redfish are an excellent choice for fishing lovers of all levels. They spawn in the months from the middle of August to September. Destin Florida Fishing Charters have the most experienced guides available to assist you with your fishing.
Equipment Required Best Equipment To Catch A Florida Redfish
The necessary tools and equipment are required to catch a Florida Redfish which are mentioned below so that you don’t miss the chance to catch a redfish.
- Rods and Reels: There are a few different options when it comes to rods & reels but, one should choose the option that works well for catching a redfish in Florida. A fishing rod that is medium to heavy in strength and measures between 6 feet 6 inches and 7 feet 6 inches is often paired with a reel that has a size between 3000 and 4000. This combination is popular for many fishing situations. Also, a medium-heavy rod between 6’6″ and 7’6″ with a baitcasting reel can be a good choice.
- Bait and Lures: These also have a few different options for redfish catching. Live bait, like shrimp or mullet, is preferred by most. The cut bait, like mullet pieces or crab, can also be used. For lures, soft plastic lures, like jerk baits or paddle tails are considered a great selection. Topwater lures, like poppers, can also be used if you want some thrilling surface action.
- Terminal Tackle: For this, one needs a standard quality fishing line. A braided line with a test weight somewhere between 20 and 30 pounds is considered a good choice. This gives all the strength one needs to reel in big reds. The hooks and weights are also required.
Required Tips for Catching Florida Redfish: A Brief Guide
Now that we have all the necessary information about the fish and the equipment used, the next step is to catch a Destin Florida Redfish! Here are some important tips and techniques given to help you ease your task.

- Locating Redfish: For this, one should have the knowledge about the fish’s habitat. They are found in different environments comprising deep channels, oyster bars, grass flats, and mangroves. One should look for regions with structures, like docks, rocks, and pilings that lure redfish. Another crucial aspect to take into account is the tide. Redfish tend to feed during incoming as well as outgoing tides, so the timing for fishing can be adjusted accordingly. Observe the water level carefully for areas with moving water, like inlets and channels.
- Casting Strategies: Precision and accuracy is the key here. A bait or lure should be placed right in front of the fish, so it is essential to have a strong hold on the casting technique. A bait or lure should be landed as softly as possible at the right spot. One effective approach is to cast up the current and let your bait or lure drift toward the fish. This increases the chances of getting a fish’s bite.
- Retrieving Techniques: Using the right retrieving technique is key to success. Redfish can be selective, so one should experiment with various retrieves until one finds the best one. A lure should be retrieved gradually and steadily, with few pauses so that it fully sinks to the base. A jerking motion strategy can also be employed to mimic an injured baitfish. However, one has to maintain persistence. Try various techniques until you find the best that works for you. You can ask for advice from other anglers who have experience in redfish catching. The task gets better with practice.
These were some of the useful tips that proved to be helpful in catching a Florida Redfish. One should experiment with different techniques and strategies to look for the most efficient one that works the best for you.
Fishing Regulations for Catching Redfish in Florida
Some Red Fish regulation Florida guidelines have been set up to facilitate reproduction and curb the effects of overfishing. The guidelines also apply to Redfish. These fishes are abundant in Florida’s waters. Some of the guidelines are mentioned below.
- Seasonal Restrictions: The FWC has launched a closed season from the months of March to May, during which redfish cannot be caught. This protects the redfish for their spawning season and helps sustain their populations. Therefore, redfish fishing is only permitted in the legal season in Florida.
- Size & Bag Limits: The FWC has set the present slot limit for redfish up to 18 to 27 inches, with a bag limit of one fish per person. One cannot catch more than one redfish per day. Thus, the catch should be measured accurately to ensure that it meets the required standards. The total length is measured from the nose tip to the tail end (excluding fin filaments). If the fish caught is too small in size, it should be released immediately.
- Catch and Release Rule: This rule was implemented to protect the fish population. If one chooses to catch and release the fish, some practices are followed to avoid any harm to the fish. Use circle hooks to lower the risk of gut hooking the fish. Hold the fish gently and avoid touching their gills. Maintain the fish in the water for as long as you can. Hold the fish upright in the water until it swims away.
Florida Redfish offers a thrilling and rewarding experience for anglers of all skill levels. With their exceptional strength, attractive appearance, and delicious taste, targeting these fish can make for a wonderful day on the water. By gaining knowledge about their habitat and feeding habits, and equipping yourself with the required equipment, one can increase the chances of getting a big catch. However, one must stay patient and observant in the Florida redfish-catching process and follow all the guidelines set. If you are looking for professional assistance in your redfish-catching strategy, Destin Florida Fishing Charters is here to guide you and provide you with a thrilling experience.